Disclosure according to §§ 24, 25 Mediengesetz and information according to § 5 ECG
Vienna AirportCity Event Gmbh is a 100% subsidiary of Flughafen Wien AG
Vienna AirportCity Event Gmbh
1300 Wien-Flughafen
Postfach 1
Tel: +43-1-7007-26920
Sitz: Schwechat
FB Gericht: Landesgericht Korneuburg
FB Nummer: 345740t
UID NR. (VAT-REG-No): ATU65742048
- Establish and operate a coworking space with additional services from the areas of modern working environments, innovation management and digitalization as well as a conference center at Vienna Airport;
- Developing, testing and implementing new services and products to expand or diversify the product range of AirportCity Flughafen Wien, to tap new revenue potential and to improve the passenger and location experience.
- Christoph Schmidt, MSc, LL.M.
Photo rights:
- Flughafen Wien AG
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Unless otherwise indicated, the copyright in all documents provided on the Vienna AirportCity Event Gmbh web site and in the
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Data protection
You can find the privacy policy of Vienna AirportCity Event Gmbh here:
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